August Miller
August Miller is a multimedia artist who specializes in color design and intricate composition. Originally from Northwest Indiana, August achieved a Bachelor’s of Art in Animation from Columbia College Chicago in December of 2022. He currently resides on the north side of Chicago, where he works out of his apartment alongside his partner and beloved cat. August has a strong eye for detail and a commitment to long-term projects, which he expresses through his printmaking and gouache paintings. His work focuses mainly on the concept of internal and external forces, questioning the perception of the self through the lens of others.
Personals 2022, Silkscreen on Smooth Bristol, 18″x24”
MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: a Q & A with August Miller
How long have you been at CPC?
Since the middle of August 2023!
What’s your favorite type of printmaking?
Definitely screen printing. I was extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to screen print in high school, and it’s been a huge part of my life ever since. I’ve also recently gotten into rubber stamp carving, and have been having a lot of fun with that, too!
Why do you make art?
As much as I love making art as a means of self-expression, I also just find the artmaking process really therapeutic. For me, I always think of printmaking or painting as a sort of healing time for my brain. It’s when I can just play a documentary out loud like a podcast and put my brain in “off” mode.
What other media do you enjoy working in?
Gouache has always had a very special place in my heart, and I love to paint when I get the chance! I also work a lot in Procreate as well as in various graphic design programs.
What direction are you planning to go in the coming year with your work?
In the coming year, I’d love to reserve more time and energy for big projects. I am still somewhat transitioning out of “school mode” since graduating last winter, where I had to have projects completed at a certain time and to a certain standard. I want to devote more of my efforts to quality rather than quantity. As far as subject material goes, I’ve focused a lot of my personal artwork on the juxtaposition between external perspective and an internal sense of self. I’d like to continue this type of exploration while working on improving my practical skills, as well.
What book are you reading currently?
“The Woman In Me” by Britney Spears
What is your favorite non-art distraction?
I’m super into movies and documentaries, so a lot of my time is spent watching those. I’ve also recently gotten into all the New York Times daily puzzles. And, regrettably, I do pay $1 a week to play them on the app, LOL.
Who are 3 artists (dead or alive) that inspire you?
I’m a really big fan of Molly Mendoza’s use of color and texture! I also really love Silas Denver’s usage of vintage fonts and designs. Another artist that has definitely inspired me throughout the years is Jaden Vargen– their use of color and style of blending is literally incredible.
Who is your favorite printmaker?
Although I don’t do risograph printing, I’m really in love with the work of CJ Walker and Rho Sovia. The way that they combine their color and linework is seriously just so beautiful.
What was the last gift you gave someone?
My partner was having a not-so-good day yesterday, so I picked up some flowers and fruit for them on the way home. <3
What’s your favorite thing about CPC?
Of course I love having access to the resources available at the studio, but what I really love is seeing what everyone else is working on. It’s always incredibly inspiring and motivating (especially as someone who can sometimes burn out easily).
Be sure to check out August’s website! Read other Member Spotlight interviews here.
Untitled, Silkscreen on Smooth Bristol, Varying Sizes
Rhythm 2023, Digital, 4″x6”