Megan Hinds
Megan Hinds is a midwest artist from Champaign, IL. She attended Parkland Community College where she studied fine art. She then transferred to Illinois State University where she received her Bachelor in Fine Art with a focus in printmaking. Megan is currently in Chicago, IL working at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Visitor Services. She continues her printmaking practice at Chicago Printmakers Collaborative. She is constantly investigating nature’s collective brilliance and communication. With the knowledge gained from her observations, she creates work that reflects this exploration and discovery. Her work offers a picture of pattern, movement, and texture integrated in such a way to display both continuity and community.
MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: a Q & A with Megan Hinds
How long have you been at CPC?
I joined CPC in late 2016 and have been a member ever since!
What’s your favorite type of printmaking?
I absolutely love intaglio. Working with the copper gives my work such a range of marks and beautiful precise lines. I also enjoy monotype; I often combine my intaglio prints with monotype overlays.
Why do you make art?
I began creating artwork because it was something I was interested in. It helped me communicate my emotions,or create a space I wished to escape to. I now have grown more of a voice in my artwork, bringing playfulness to the viewer. A lot of my artwork is hand cut and assembled into 3-dimensional layered prints. Each layer brings in a new color or element to the piece. The 3- dimensional aspect allows the viewers to move around the image, explore, and discover something new. In a society that lives in a flat and digital world I believe my work encourages the viewer to interact with the piece, providing joy and playfulness.
What other media do you enjoy working in?
I paint as well, painting gives me immediate satisfaction. My paintings are built up of many mediums with acrylic, ink washes, pastel, and miron pen.
Cool stuff coming up? Give 3 important links to press, media, or other interviews.
I am painting a process mural for Triptych Brewing in Champaign, IL. The mural will be complete by mid May. There will be a mural celebrating and pop up with my artwork along with other local Champaign businesses.
My page spread interview in Curatorial Volume.1, Leaders in Contemporary Art will be released July 2019, click here.
I have artwork now available for digital print internationally through Indigo Collection.
What direction are you planning to go in the coming year with your work?
This year I am working on scale, most of my work is relatively small and I am working to increase in size and detail. I am also working on combining my nature vs architecture pieces.
What book are you reading currently?
Girl, Wash your Face by Rachel Hollis
What is your favorite non-art distraction?
I love to travel, I am slowly visiting more states and even countries. Traveling provides me with so much inspiration. There is something so important about seeing other cultures and environments than your own.
Who are 3 artists (dead or alive) that inspire you?
I am currently inspired by Eva Magill- Oliver, Jacob Hashimoto, Ray Morimura
In your past life, you were a _______.
A Butterfly, why not ?
What was the last gift you gave someone?
Marble Cheese board set for my two best friends and fellow artists Julia and Larry! They are getting married in two months and I cannot wait!
What color crayon are you in the crayon box?
I used to believe I was a mustard yellow crayon through and through however recently I feel myself changing into a light sea blue. I am interested to explore my change!
What’s your favorite thing about CPC?
This space has been one of my biggest blessings. I have been able to continue my practice as a printmaker past graduate school. It has encouraged me to dive deeper as an artist, explore my medium further, and ultimately expand my range of artwork. This space gives me a community, as an artist my days can be lonely. Even a small chat at CPC can lift my soul. I am able to ask other artists questions on process, color combinations, and compositions. My absolute favorite thing about CPC is the member 24 hour access. I can come in any time of the day to create artwork. I love my early mornings at CPC!
To purchase any of the work you see above, please send an email to You can check out Megan’s work in person during our open gallery hours every Friday and Saturday from 12-5:00pm. You can also visit Megan’s website and follow her on Instagram. Read other Member Spotlight interviews here.